Natural Method of Contraception

In ancient period, people usually used to follow the natural birth control method as they didn’t have any artificial method. Instead of having a variety of birth control method, still now many people are comfortable with natural methods.

Today we will discuss these methods.

1. Calendar Method or Safe Period Method: Usually nine days before and four days after menstruation is counted as safe period. You can calculate this easily. Suppose you have a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, first, you need to deduct 18 from 28 and then 10 from 28 (28- 18= 10, 28-10= 18). That means you are safe from the beginning of menstruation to the 9th day and you are in risk period from 10th day to 18 days of menstruation, again you’ll be safe from 19th to 28th day. If you have an irregular menstruation cycle of 45 or 26 days, you can deduct 10 from 45 and 18 from 26 (45-10= 35, 26- 18= 8). That indicates you’ll be in risk from 8th day to 35 of the cycle and the rest of the time is safe.

2. By Measuring Body Temperature of The Women: You can determine the safe period by measuring her body temperature. All you need to record her body temperature before taking any kind of food or drink. Body temperature remain relatively low during the first half of menstrual cycle and then increase gradually and it reaches the highest level at the time of booming of the ovum and it considers as risk period. You can have regular intercourse after three days of the highest temperature.

3. Through the Examination Mucous: You can determine the risk period by examining the mucous. Amount and thickness of mucous increases in influence of the hormone estrogen and reduces gradually after reaching the highest level. You can consider the four days as safe period after reaching the highest level.


4. During Lactation: If you breastfeed your baby regularly, your menstruation may stop for a long time in influence of some hormone. So it is relatively safe having intercourse without contraception. But you need to be careful about few things like-

•    The absence of menstruation after delivery.

•    If you only breastfeed your baby.

•    If your child’s age is less than 6 months.

Effectiveness of this Method Reduces if-

•    If you feed your child with other food and drinks rather than breastfeeding.

•    If your baby is 6 months old.

5. Withdrawing Method: This is the most ancient method of birth control. Husband plays the vital role in this method as he has to remove himself just before the shedding of sperm.

Advantages of Natural Birth Control Methods:

•    You do not need to use any device or hormonal pills.

•    You need to have proper knowledge about the safe and risk period if you are willing to have a baby.

•    No side effects.

•    Most of the women can follow this method if they have a clear conception about menstrual cycle.

•    Trust and intimacy between husband and wife increase as the effectiveness of this method depend on the involvement.

Disadvantages of Natural Birth Control Methods:

•    These methods failed in 25% of cases. A study shows that 1 in every 4 women following natural birth control can become pregnant.

•    These methods are ineffective in case of irregular menstruation.

•    Unable to prevent sexual infection.

•    This method won’t work out without the cooperation of the wife and husband

•    Physical symptoms of being pregnant changes if you are stressed or sick, travelling or taking some hormonal pills. Natural birth control methods can be failed in these cases.

•    Taking emergency contraceptive pills may cause problems in these cases.

These mentioned methods may fail for messing up the calendar, taking risk at any unsafe day, irregular menstruation. You can consult with the doctor to know about the right method. But you need to use contraceptives in order to avoid sexual infections.

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