Baby's Nutrition Needs: The First Year

A child right after his/her birth should be given food rich in adequate nutrition because the child that is intended to carry forward the future generation needs to be healthy and fit, which is why proper food habit is of paramount importance. So, parents need to know what makes a balanced diet for their children. Let’s know what to give your child to eat at what age.

First Six Months:

Nothing is more valuable than breast milk for a child at this age as it contains everything that a child needs. So, nothing except colostrums is essential for a baby after birth and up to its six months of age.

Giving a baby to feed on breast milk up to six months of age is called exclusive breastfeeding. No other foods like honey, water or formula milk should be given since breast milk is the only perfect balanced diet for a child at this age.

Colostrums: After the delivery of a child, the mother secretes sticky, yellowish milk which is known as colostrums which many do not allow children to drink, but this milk is the most essential thing for a new born baby. Even if the baby drinks a little of this milk, he/she receives all essential nutrients. The milk remains much sticky during the first 3-4 days, and it remains almost same up to ten days. Colostrums can be called the baby’s ‘First Vaccination’.

Reasons to give a baby breast milk:

·        It contains protein in plenty, which is easily digestible and lighter than cow’s milk, so a baby can easily digest.

·        Breast milk contains antibody that helps the baby stay immune to diseases throughout his/her life. Babies that feed on mother’s milk for up to two years of age stay more immune to diseases by around 10%-15% than others.

·        Being a light and digestive food containing essential vitamins and minerals, breast milk helps a baby’s intellectual growth.

·        It increases digestion power and keeps the baby’s stomach clear, and thus, decreases likelihood of constipation, allergy, and diabetes at a grownup age.

·        It contains plenty of vitamins which circulate more easily than those found in other foods.

So, a baby should be given to drink breast milk up to two years of age.

Did you know that breastfeeding is essential to both the baby and mother equally? Let’s know how.

·        As soon as the mother starts breastfeeding her baby, she starts undergoing hormonal changes which bring early cessation of vaginal bleeding.

·        Frequent breastfeeding causes menstruation process to linger, which decreases the likelihood of future conceiving.

·        Oftentimes, mothers feel depression after giving birth to babies. Breastfeeding is a great way to get rid of such mental condition.

·        Breastfeeding decreases chances of breast cancer.

·        During pregnancy, women usually gain weight that sometimes stays longer. Breastfeeding prevents further weight gain.

·        Breast milk is free of germs and requires no heating.

If a mother is unable to breastfeed her baby for any reason, she should feed the baby formula milk instead of cow’s milk.

At this stage, a baby needs Vitamin D for which he/she can be allowed to bask in the sun in the morning.

Six Months to One Year:

It is time you started giving your baby other easily digestible foods alongside breast milk. The food you are going to give needs to be like breast milk because your baby’s digestion power is not like that of a grownup human. The food should taste a little warm and sweet. Given at an age of six months to one year, these foods are called weaning foods. Do not give food with sour taste since such foods contain acid that your baby will not be able to digest. You may offer bananas. Also, vegetable hotchpotch including fish, meat and egg can be ideal. Make sure the quantity of both rice and dahl is equal.

You should start with foods rich in iron that aids in the baby’s physical growth and brain development. You can feed your baby a young chicken’s liver, properly cooked. In addition, the baby can be fed fish, carefully cooked and softened.

An egg a day will be good for your baby. However, make sure the egg is properly boiled. At this age, a baby should not be allowed to eat artificial or outside foods. If the baby does not want to eat homemade foods at all, formula foods can be allowed to some extent.

Your child is a blessing to you. So, it is your responsibility to make sure your child is getting right amount of essential nutrition and growing healthy. All babies be safe and well.