These 10 tips to newborn hygiene will keep infections at bay

Your baby will be treated as newborn since birth to the 28th day of birth. This period is very important for both of you and your baby. Both of you need special care during this time as your baby can be easily affected by any kind of virus or bacteria.

You must ensure the cleanliness of your baby in order to keep them safe from any type of disease. In this article, we will describe a few steps to keep your baby clean.

After Birth Care: If you gave birth of your baby in a hospital or clinic the baby will be cleaned and wrapped in a comfortable cloth from Operation Theater. For the exception, first wrap your baby in a large soft cloth then wipe their shoulder, chest and belly. Then wipe the baby from back and waist to feet. Finally, wrap the baby in another clean cloth.

Your baby will be born with a natural protection layer named Amniotic Fluid & Vernix Caseosa. This thin whitish layer enhances baby’s immunity. It clears automatically within 6- 7 days so you should not try to clean it by force.

Further Cleanliness: It is necessary to keep your baby clean but you should take extra care of their special organs like- eye, ear, nose, nails, tongue, navel and private parts.

You may follow mentioned tips to protect your baby from any kind of infection:

1. Wash your Hand: You must wash your hands with antibacterial soap before coming in touch of your baby. You can request your friends & family to wash their hands before taking your baby to lap.

Also, you have to wash your hand before cleaning your baby and after changing their diaper or clothes.

2. Umbilical Cord: Right after the birth doctors cut the umbilical cord from placenta and clamp it with plastic or metal cord clamp or tape. It protects your baby from bleeding and infection.

All you need to do is keep it dry from oil, soap, lotion or water. You can only use some alcohol on a cotton ball and clean it according to the doctor's’ instruction.

Usually, your baby’s navel will be ok and automatically fall within 7- 14 days. However, sometimes may be baby’s navel is getting cured but their cloth may be stained yellow by navel. You do not need to be worried, just change the cloth and wash.

3. Nail Care: Usually baby’s nails are used to grow quickly and they can get hurt by their own nails. So you need to cut your baby’s nail carefully while they are sleeping or after bathing them. Don’t forget to wash the nail cutter in antibacterial water before use.

4. Eye care: Sometimes milk can move to baby’s eye during breastfeeding which may cause Stye. So you must need to be careful at the time of feeding your baby. Some baby’s eye use to flow water. Wipe baby’s eye with a clean and soft cloth. And take expert advice if necessary.

Soak a soft and clean cloth in warm water to clean your baby’s eye. Never try to clean them with your nails.

5. Cleanness of tongue: Your baby’s tongue can be covered in a white layer as their only food is milk. Use Clean, soft and dry cloth to clean your baby’s tongue.

6. Cleanliness of Ear: Using cotton buds while cleaning your baby’s ear may hurt their eardrum. There are some hairs inside ear which can push the outside dirt. So all you need to keep clean the surface of the ear with a cotton ball or soft cloth.

7. Taking Care of Nose: As like ear, you can also use a cotton cloth to clean your baby’s nose. It will be difficult for your baby to breathe & eat if there are snivel or any kind of dirt in nose. So you have to be careful about that.

8. Dresses for newborn: Choose comfortable clothes and diapers for your baby as their reproductive organs are very soft and delicate. There are some differences in taking care of a baby boy and girl.

For a newborn baby girl- You can use baby soap to clean your baby girl. Use a soft, clean & wet cloth to wipe her from front to back. You can do this whenever changes her diaper & massage with baby oil.

For a newborn baby boy- Dirt can be stored your baby boy’s penis. Wipe the place with some baby soap in a soft & wet cloth. After that, you use baby oil so that the boy won’t get hurt by the diaper. You can also use wipes to clean them.

9. Right Way to Use Diaper: Using baby oil in whole diaper will keep your baby’s skin safe rather than powder because powder makes your baby’s skin dry. Use medicines to remove diaper rash according to doctors’ advice instead of oil.

Watch the diaper line carefully and change it whenever needed. After changing, wrap the used one and through it in garbage quickly.

10. Bathing The Baby: Bathing the baby is totally a different experience for you. Usually, doctors discourage bath a baby until the navel is normal. But you also take care of your baby’s hygiene. So you can wipe them carefully. To wipe your baby you may need-

•    Towel

•    Soft Cloth (For soaking)

•    Soft Cloth (To wrap them)

•    Fresh Dress

Lie down your baby on a towel in a flat place, then soak the soft cloth in warm water and wipe baby’s head and body. Dry them instantly with the other cloth to protect your baby from cold.

You will be able to keep your baby safe from any kind of infection like- cold, diarrhea, navel infection by following these tips with love and care.

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