Being mother

Those days are gone by when women were to experience pregnancy at an early age. Nowadays, being more conscious about professional career, conjugal matters, financial stability, secure jobs; many women have barely any chance to think about being pregnant before reaching 30 years of age. Getting pregnant at such an age is critical. Did you know this?

“Girls are born with all their eggs.

So, the age of their eggs is equal to their physical age.”

With this concern adds another concern; that is the health and lifestyle of both you and your husband. If you are at thirties, you will find this article helpful enough to help yourself with safe and easy pregnancy.

Planning for sex for pregnancy:

Be regular: At such an age, you are likely to lose interest in having sex regularly. However, try to be regular if you want to be pregnant.

Maintain best timing: If you cannot have sexual intercourse regularly, consider doing it from 8 days after your period up to the 19th day. During these twelve days, the likelihood of successful conceiving is good.

Be careful about your positioning while having sex: It is advised to have such a position that enables your husband’s semen to reach your eggs. The best position can be that you lie on your back with legs apart, and your husband lowers himself on top of you, with support for his weight with elbows. This is called Missionary Sex Position, the most popular and classic one.

Quit bad habits:

Quit smoking: Nicotine along with other harmful particles cause harms to your womb, Fallopian Tubes and uterus. Besides, smoking cigarettes reduces your husband’s sexual stamina. So, quit smoking if you do and have your husband do so. Also, stay away from smokers.

Quit drinking alcoholic drinks: Research suggests a relationship between reduced ability to conceive and give birth and drinking wine. So, quit the habit if you have.

Refrain from caffeine: Caffeine hinders peaceful sleep and slow down your regular ability to conceive, leading to abortion. Refrain from caffeine or take only one or two cups of coffee/tea.

Stop eating junk foods: Eat freshly cooked food and stop eating any kind of junk or frozen items along with foods containing harmful artificial ingredients.

Be careful about medicines: Before taking any medicine, you should check it with your doctor in order to stay assured it will not endanger your pregnancy.

Say goodbye to sugar: Try to remove sugar from as many items as you can since sugar causes weight gain, issues to conceiving though indirectly and weaken regenerative power. In order to find an alternative to sugar, you can take ZeroCal which is safe for health.

Stay free of concerns: Although concerns have no direct impact on pregnancy, staying stressed with concerns all the time may cause loss of appetite and sleep, leading to hormonal disorders and barriers to ovulation.

Take care of your own health:

Lose weight: Excessive weight hinders pregnancy progress. To ensure that your periods are regular, you need to stay in good health by living a healthful life.

Take exercise regularly: Consider taking physical exercise regularly in order to increase the likelihood of proper conceiving.

Take prenatal vitamins: Right after three months of conceiving, start taking folic acid tablets. Besides, you may take iron and calcium tablets as per doctor’s prescriptions.

Change your food habits:

If you want to enhance ability to conceive, you can take foods like properly boiled eggs, sea fish, fruits and vegetables which are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and E, and Beta Carotene.

You need to take care of your husband’s health too:

Husband’s health: With age, men’s ability to produce sperm in the semen starts decreasing. However, with good health, it is possible for men to have sexual intercourse regularly and get rid of other issues eventually.

Foods for your husband: Due to insufficient quantity of sperm in a man’s semen, the couple cannot have a baby. Eating some natural food items like eggs, cauliflower, pomegranate, walnuts, broccoli, peanuts, barley, meat, beans, peas, etc. might work wonders. Tell your husband to drink much water.

Take doctor’s suggestions:

Regular advice: Always keep your doctor informed of your problems and condition and follow the advices offered.

Checkup of reproductive health: Have yourself and your partner examined for reproductive health, so that you can stay assured of any issues and inability of your spouse.

Other problems: If you have some common health conditions like diabetes, blood pressures, etc. Consult your doctor and try to control these diseases.

Examining thyroid: Thyroid has had a great impact on your pregnancy. If your hormones are not in good condition, your pregnancy might be interrupted. So, see a doctor and follow required suggestions before you even think about being pregnant.

Final words:

Becoming pregnant at the matured stage of life comes with some advantages too. At this stage, you can be more conscious and form a relationship with your spouse based on mutual understanding. While reproductive capability lessens with age, you might have understood how easily you can become pregnant by following the tips above.

Happy pregnancy!