Are you upset about stretch marks? Here are 10 natural home remedies!

Words are limited to express the feeling of being a mother. Mother’s whole life changes with the baby’s birth. However, there are some unexpected changes also. No woman wants to lose her beauty. Due to pregnancy some spots may appear on belly. Most of the women have it while she is pregnant. It can not be completely removed but by trying it can be fade away or changing the color of the scars to the skin color.  There is nothing to fear about stretch marks at all.




As it is called stretch marks you may think it appears when your skin is stretched but the truth is hormonal balance in the body is responsible for these kinds of spots. Skin have its own capacity to maintain itself when it is stretched  but when the responsible hormone stop working properly on the body the marks make its appearance on the skin. It can also appear on thin people and on men as well. It is not only about women or pregnant women.

There are various types of laser treatment or surgery to remove the spots. However, it has side effects. Various types of cosmetics are also available in the market.  But they are full of chemical elements and could be fakes. Some of the natural ingredients that are used in our daily lives can be good remedies to remove the spots. Let's explore what to do and how you can use natural ingredients to remove stretch marks.


Egg white

Who does not have eggs in the house! We all like to eat eggs to fulfill our daily protein needs. In order to remove stretch mark egg white is a very good natural element. The egg’s protein and amino acid can give a new life to the skin. Take one or two egg’s white part and mix it well with a fork. Apply this on the affected area with a makeup brush. When completely dry, wash with cold water. Wipe the skin with a soft cloth and apply olive oil to keep the skin soft. Do it regularly for two weeks.



There are lot of people who can not imagine the meal without a lemon. It is a great source of  Vitamin c. Lemon juice is very effective to remove any kind of marks. Cut lemon in flat pieces and massage it gently on the belly for three or four minutes. Let the juice dry on the skin then wash it with warm water. Applying  cucumber juice with a little bit of lemon juice can be beneficial. It is a good way to lighten the stretch marks.



A mixture made of sugar can be beneficial for stretch marks. What you need are, one tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of Almond oil, a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the belly before taking bath. You will find the best result if you do it everyday for one month.


Potato juice

We use potato in almost every curry. It can go with everything. Potato’s vitamin and mineral can lighten the stretch marks. Take two medium sized potatoes and make paste in a blender. Apply the paste on the belly and keep it for 20 minutes. Wash it with warm water. It should be done before taking bath.  


Aloe vera

Many of us drink the aloe vera juice as it is very good for health.  Aloe vera gel can be used directly on the belly. Use a tea spoon to put away the gel from aloe vera leaves and after 20 minutes wash away the gel with hot water. It needs few weeks to reduce the marks.


Castor oil

Castor oil can be found in cosmetics shops. This is not expensive. It is very good to remove marks and the wrinkles from the skin. Massage the belly with castor oil and cover the belly with a soft thin cloth. Then put a hot water bag on it. Keep it for 30 minutes in a hot water bag will be on the left. Then it is better to take a bath.


Olive oil

Olive oil has been used in skin care for decades. It has large amount of vitamins and anti-oxidants. The oil makes the skin soft. Just massage the belly with olive oil everyday. No need to wash away the oil. It is good for skin as long as the oil is on the skin.  


One most important thing about these home remedies is this should be apply after being physically fit following the delivery. But olive oil can be use to moist the belly in pregnancy. The methods can be applied only after the baby was born. These methods can harm unborn baby during pregnancy. Stretch mark is very common so do not worry. Take care of yourself and try these methods to remove the marks. 

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